7 signs you are turning into a spiritual person

Who is truly spiritual?

Who is truly spiritual?

One of the most famous buzzwords today is Spirituality. People love to claim that they are spiritual, they are closer to the divine, they are mindful, and whatnot. But often, spirituality is not what it seems. It is not endless hours of meditation or chants, nor is it buying pricey ‘jaap malas’ from the internet! Spirituality is innate, it comes from within, and has subtle signs that people might miss in others or in self.Here we mention 7 signs that are believed to be of a person turning spiritual.

A general aversion to material

A general aversion to material

One of the first signs you will have when you turn to real spirituality is a general aversion and apathy to material pursuits. While you will still like and work for the comforts in life, the excess material that the world pushes onto you will no longer define your happiness. When you turn into a spiritual person, you realise that material things are temporary and that true contentment comes from within.

The ‘splurges’ lessen

The ‘splurges’ lessen

One of the most common indicators of being unhappy with what you have is ‘splurging’. People feel ‘Oh, I got my salary, let me splurge a little’, or ‘Oh, I lost 5kgs, let me splurge a little on food and treats’, and these little splurges eventually make us more miserable. But, when you are on the path of spirituality, these splurges for material comforts lessen to a big extent. You become more mindful of your financial choices and before you make a purchase you think well about how it fits in your needs.

A sense of self-awareness

A sense of self-awareness

Being aware of your inner self, your feelings, your triggers, everything that is happening on the subconscious front is a sign of spiritual nature. When people grow spiritually, they become more in tune with the inner emotions, thoughts, and actions, and know what and when to channel.People who turn toward the spiritual path have fewer meltdowns, more moments of peace and calm, and best of all, they feel in tune with their emotions and feelings.

A connection with nature

A connection with nature

Another sign of successful spirituality is being in tune with nature. And a connection with nature does not just mean that suddenly all the animals start loving you, but also that you become more in sync with the cycles of nature. You begin waking up in the Brahma Muhurat, you appreciate the calm of those moments, you cherish the minutes you spend barefoot in the grass and sand, and the likes.

The mindful pull

The mindful pull

Being mindful is also super important in the spiritual journey. And when you are mindful, you are fully and completely present in the moment, distractions do not bug you, and even when you slightly tilt from the natural, you slowly bring your mind back on track. When you are on the spiritual path, you stop thinking about the past or worrying about the future. You are fully aware of your movements and your thoughts when you are eating, walking, or even breathing, and these everyday realisations help you excel.

A connection with self

A connection with self

One of the most unfortunate things to happen today is to lose connection with yourself. And losing connection with your inner feelings and self and with your fellow man is the most tragic thing that materialism has brought onto us. So, when you start walking on the path of spirituality, you start forming a deeper bond with yourself, you start listening to yourself and your mind and body, and you start feeling the happiness and the pain of yourself and of others.

A look into auras

A look into auras

While this isn’t true for everybody, but when you are more attuned to your spiritual side, you might feel that you can sense people’s aura, or energy. Sensing the aura is not a superpower, but just a way that your mind and body tell you if the person in front is good for you or has ill intentions. When you read people’s energies, you can sense when they are upset, when they feel happy, when they feel jealous, or even when they are plotting something against someone.