Topics for Bachelor, Master and PhD Theses

The AIP offers students the possibility to create their bachelor, master or PhD thesis, also see the page Information for students for general information.

Here you can find a list of general topics and potential supervisors who can be contacted for specific projects. Some currently offered projects are also listed at the end of this page.

We have a close cooperation with the University of Potsdam, therefore students of this university can work on their projects directly at the AIP. Arrangements can also be made for students of the Berlin universities and other institutions.

A list of current job offers including PhD positions can be found on the Jobs page.

List of supervisors and general topics

Supervisor Section/Group Topic Phone
(+49 331 7499-)
([email protected])
Dr. Rainer Arlt Magnetohydrodynamics and Turbulence

Magnetohydrodynamic problems in solar and stellar activity, star formation and the interstellar medium.

Prof. Dr. Maria-Rosa Cioni Dwarf Galaxies and the Galactic Halo

Stellar populations (resolved) in nearby galaxies. Optical and near-infrared imaging. Stellar evolution, evolved and variable stars.

Prof. Dr. Carsten Denker Solar Physics

Solar physics and instrumentation, active region and sunspot evolution, image reconstruction and two-dimensional spectropolarimetry.

Dr. Noam Libeskind Cosmography and Large-Scale Structure

Dwarf galaxies, Local Universe, Cosmic Web, numerical simulations, galaxy formation

Dr. Hakan Önel Technical Section

Development of innovative prototypes for experimental basic research and for exciting instrumentation projects.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Pfrommer Cosmology and High-Energy Astrophysics

Computational astrophysics; formation and evolution of galaxies, galaxy clusters, supermassive black holes; high-energy astrophysics: cosmic rays, magnetic fields, and plasma instabilities; dark matter theory and indirect detection methods

Prof. Dr. Katja Poppenhäger Stellar Physics and Exoplanets

Observational aspects of stellar physics and exoplanets; exoplanet atmospheres, atmospheric evaporation, transmission spectroscopy, light curve analysis; stellar emission from different layers of the atmosphere (photosphere to corona), stellar rotation and magnetism.

Prof. Dr. Martin M. Roth Astrophotonics (innoFSPEC)

Applications of coupled multi-core fibers as multi-purpose sensors, numerical optimization of AO testbench for astronomical instrumentation

PD Dr. Axel Schwope X-ray Astronomy

X-ray astronomy, cataclysmic variables

Prof. Dr. Matthias Steinmetz Extragalactic Astrophysics

Formation and evolution of galaxies, parallel computing, Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE)

Prof. Dr. Klaus Strassmeier Cosmic Magnetic Fields

Stellar activity, surface imaging of stars, robotic telescopes

Prof. Dr. Lutz Wisotzki Galaxies and Quasars

Structure and kinematics of galaxies, high-redshift galaxies and their demographics, studies of the circumgalactic medium


Currently offered specific thesis projects

Many of the bachelor/master thesis projects below can also be upgraded to a PhD thesis. Students may also suggest their own topics (and should then plan for a 3-month feasibility study). Please contact the corresponding supervisors for details.

Inspecting the spatial dependency of quenching for satellite dwarf galaxies
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 405,
Posted at: Oct. 12, 2023
Understanding the complex flare of a young M dwarf star
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 280,
Posted at: Aug. 29, 2022
Understanding the origin of the preferred intervelocity of galaxy pairs in ΛCDM simulations
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 342,
Posted at: July 22, 2022
Characterizing exoplanets and their host stars with Deep Learning
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 207,
Posted at: Jan. 24, 2022
Is there a Plane of Satellite Galaxies around the Large Magellanic Cloud?
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 342,
Posted at: Jan. 13, 2022
The magnetic activity of stars in wide binary systems
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 521,
Posted at: Oct. 21, 2021
Projects on exoplanet atmospheres and stellar magnetism
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 521,
Posted at: April 12, 2021
What can planes of satellite galaxies reveal about the orbital properties of their members?
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 342,
Posted at: Jan. 18, 2021
Analysing the orbits of stars in the Milky Way as a function of their chemical signature
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 800,
Posted at: Jan. 11, 2021
Bar formation and evolution in the Local Group
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 259,
Posted at: Jan. 11, 2021
Calibrating the luminosity evolution of asymptotic giant branch stars in the near-infrared using star clusters in the LMC and M31
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 648,
Posted at: Jan. 11, 2021
Metal poor candidates from StarHorse using Gaia
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 454,
Posted at: Jan. 11, 2021
The structure and formation of galactic disk outskirts
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 259,
Posted at: Jan. 11, 2021
Chemical abundances from the VATT-PEPSI-TESS survey of the North Ecliptic Pole
Type: PhD Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 295,
Posted at: Jan. 20, 2018
Probing the dynamos of M dwarfs and fully-convective stars
Type: PhD Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 295,
Posted at: Jan. 20, 2018
The PEPSI "deep spectrum" project
Type: PhD Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 295,
Posted at: Jan. 20, 2018
Measuring Stellar Surface Magnetic Fields
Type: PhD Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 295,
Posted at: Jan. 20, 2018
PhD theses on the topics of Extrasolar Planets, Asterospheres, and Astrobiology
Type: PhD Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 295,
Posted at: Jan. 20, 2018
Doppler Imaging of Stellar Surfaces
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 295,
Posted at: Jan. 20, 2018
Light-Curve Inversion of Rotating Kepler Stars
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 295,
Posted at: Jan. 20, 2018
The STELLA Open Cluster Survey
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 295,
Posted at: Jan. 20, 2018
Robotic telescopes in astronomy
Type: Master Thesis
Contact: +49 331 7499 295,
Posted at: Jan. 20, 2018
Last update: 19. February 2021