Data Protection Statement - Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)

Data Protection Statement

Protection of your privacy when using our websites is important to us.

Anonymous Data Collection

The websites at AIP do not collect, process or use your personal data. You can visit the websites of AIP without providing any personal data. We might get to know the name of your network provider, probably the referring website, and we might register the webpages you’re visiting within our websites. This information can be evaluated for statistical purposes, but you as an individual will remain anonymous.

Personal Data

Personal data are only collected, if you submit them voluntarily, e.g. if you want to access our data services or contact us via helpdesk, register for events or other purposes. The data might be evaluated for statistical purposes, but duly anonymized.

Transfer of data

Personal data collected by the websites of AIP will only be used to process the communications and interactions you requested. They will not be transferred to Third Parties. You can revoke your consent anytime for future use.

External Links

External links provided on our websites are only for your convenience. AIP does not control these external websites can cannot be held responsible for these third partie’s websites. The data protections assurances are only valid for the AIP controlled websites.

Further Information and Contact

For any question regarding ‘Data Protection at AIP’, please contact the data protection officer of AIP, Dr. Harry Enke ([email protected]). Please contact the data protection officer about any question regarding information which of your personal data is collected at AIP, or to correct or delete your stored personal data (within the frame given by law).

Dr. Harry Enke, Data Protection Officer
Leibniz Institut für Astrophysik
14482 Potsdam
An der Sternwarte 16

[email protected]

Last update: 18. August 2023