Near Real-Time Data Outages and Issues

Data outages and known issues for LANCE NRT products for AIRS, AMSR2, MLS, MODIS, MOPITT, OMI, OMPS, and VIIRS.
  • Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS NRT)
  • Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2 NRT)
  • Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS NRT)
  • Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS NRT)
  • Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT NRT)
  • Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI NRT)
  • Ozone Mapping Profiler Suite (OMPS NRT)
  • Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS NRT)

AIRS NRT Data Outages and Known Issues

AMSU-A2 microwave instrument ceased working from September 24, 2016
The Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) A2 microwave instrument onboard NASA's Aqua satellite ceased working from 19:47 UT September 24, 2016. The AMSU-A2 comprises two microwave channels: 23.8 GHz and 31.4 GHz. The function of these channels is to identify precipitation and correct for surface emissivity, cloud liquid water and water vapor effects in the AIRS/AMSU retrieval algorithm. Since then, the AIRS retrieval product is generated by AIRS IR only algorithm. More information on AMSU-A state.

AMSR2 NRT Data Outages and Known Issues

Known Issue: NRT AMSR2 Daily L3 Global Snow Water Equivalent EASE-Grids
JAXA's NRT L1R brightness temperature data are supplied to us in "nearly-orbit" files. Unlike the standard products, the data in these files usually doesn't start or end exactly at the north pole. We process these data in the form in which we receive them by splitting them into descending and ascending "half-orbit" files at the south pole inflection point. Therefore, there may be extra or missing data at the beginning of the descending half-orbit and at the end of the ascending half-orbit.

Improved latency for the near real time L1R data means that AMSR2 LANCE products are consistently available within the target time period of three hours from observation. However, because the AMSR2 snow product is generated only from the descending passes, when data are missing at the beginning of the descending half-orbit, that data will be missing from the resulting snow product and corresponding imagery as well.

Download AMSR2 NRT data

MISR NRT Data Outages and Known Issues

The MISR production status page shows available NRT data for the last two weeks. Green indicates that products are available. White with a hyphen indicates unavailability. Several contiguous “not available” white spaces typically indicate a data outage. A few white spaces can indicate other non-spacecraft issues.

No known issues.

Download MISR NRT data

MLS NRT Data Outages and Known Issues

For general information on production:

Download MLS NRT data

MODIS NRT Data Outages and Known Issues

Printed Wire Assembly (PWA) failure

The MODIS instrument aboard the Terra satellite experienced a Printed Wire Assembly (PWA) failure on 5 October 2020. This resulted in a reduction in the overall Terra daytime coverage and many of the MODIS/Terra imagery layers have a slightly jagged appearance with less coverage over the northern high latitude regions. This issue will affect land daytime MODIS/Terra products that primarily rely on the Reflective Solar Bands (RSB) (i.e. visible bands) indefinitely. Learn more about the issue.

Download MODIS NRT data

MOPITT NRT Data Outages and Known Issues

For general information on production:

OMI NRT Data Outages and Known Issues

Several row anomalies have occurred in the recent past. These anomalies affect the quality of the Level 1B and Level 2 data products.

  • Anomaly 1: Since June 25th, 2007, cross-track scenes 53-54 (0-based).
  • Anomaly 2: Since May 11th, 2008, cross-track scenes 37-44 (0-based).
  • Anomaly 3: Since January 24th, 2009, cross-track scenes 27-44 (0-based).
  • Anomaly 4: Since July 5th, 2011, cross-track scenes 42-45 (0-based).
  • Anomaly 5: Since Aug, 2011, cross-track scenes 41-45 (0-based).

Please be aware that for all other rows the data are of optimal quality and not affected. Also all OMI data before these anomalies are of optimal quality. More information on row anomalies is available here.

Row Anomaly Behavior
Since “anomaly 3” the row anomaly exhibits a more dynamic behavior than before. Which rows are affected and to what extent varies with time. Please visit the “Overview” section of our detailed technical information page for the most up to date information and details.

Row Anomaly Corrections
The anomalies are known to the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) team and are currently under investigation to examine whether corrections for the effects can be implemented in the Level 1b data. Please visit this information page regularly for updates on the status of corrections implemented and visit our detailed technical information page.

Row Anomaly Flagging
The Level 1B data are partially flagged for the anomalies listed above. We expect to provide appropriate flagging for the anomalies in the near future. Please visit our detailed technical information page for details on the current flagging status of the Level 1B and Level 2 products.

Recommendations To Users
At the moment no corrections have been implemented in the operational Level 1B and Level 2 data. It is recommended not to use the affected cross-track scenes. Please respect the dates mentioned above. All other OMI data, meaning other cross track scenes and earlier observations, is of optimal quality. Level-3 products are being produced after filtering for the cross track scenes mentioned per anomaly.

Download OMI NRT data

OMPS NRT Data Outages and Known Issues

No data outages or known issues.

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VIIRS NRT Data Outages and Known Issues

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VIIRS-Atmosphere NRT Data Outages and Known Issues

No data outages or known issues.

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