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Scopus Academy

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Scopus 的功能(介紹)

了解為資料庫選擇期刊的方法,以及開始研究的基礎知識。完成時間大約 10—15 分鐘。

參加測驗,獲得 Scopus Academy 證書:Scopus 的功能

This is an editorial illustration, with dark blue as background. In the middle of the image sits a big magnifying glass, around which are a diverse group of inquisitive researchers.



學習執行基本和進階搜尋,這些搜尋可被儲存並稍後恢復搜尋。完成時間大約 10—15 分鐘。

參加測驗,獲得 Scopus Academy 證書:主題式搜尋

This is an Editorial Illustration, with white background color. In the left side of the image stand three researchers all looking at different research scenarios (conduct research, teaching, conference, networking etc)..



學習搜尋作者,了解個人檔案,並在指定領域中找到更多作者。完成大約需要 10─15 分鐘。

參加測驗,獲得 Scopus Academy 證書:作者身份

This is an editorial illustration. In the middle of it sits a big orange magnifying glass with a symbolic light bulb in the middle. Circling the magnifying glass are 7 dashboards with research metrics and charts.



學習基本的測量工具以及如何在研究過程中使用這些工具。完成時間大約 10—15 分鐘。

參加測驗,獲得 Scopus Academy 證書:指標

This is an editorial illustration with dark blue background. Four small brown boats meet in the middle of the image. On top of the boats are four researchers. Two researchers shake their hands which symbolizes research collaboration.


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