Bachelor and Master Theses
We permanently offer proposals for bachelor and master thesis projects in all areas across our research activities (see our publication page) and related subjects which cover most topics in Computer Graphics. The thesis topics are usually specified in cooperation with one of our research assistants and/or Prof. Kobbelt taking into account the student's individual interests and his/her previous knowledge as well as the current research agenda of the Computer Graphics group (e.g. in terms of ongoing academic or industrial cooperations). In order to guarantee a successful completion of the thesis, we usually expect our student to have
- taken the "Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics" lecture if you are a bachelor student
- extensive knowledge in computer graphics if you are a master student
- a good working knowledge of C++
or an equivalent qualification. After a one-month evaluation period you will submit a short research proposal which summarizes the general subject and detailed goals of the thesis. Based on this proposal the thesis will be registered officially. During the following six (four, for a bachelor thesis) months you will work on the various programming tasks, literature search, data acquisition and so on as required by your project. If necessary, you can use the special equipment available at the graphics lab, including a 3D scanner, stereo projection wall, a robot arm, a 3D printer, high quality video and still cameras and other devices.
Of course, during your thesis project there will always be a research assistant available who supports you and supervises the progress of the project and who can be asked for help if difficulties arise. Finally the thesis is finished by writing a report, giving a concluding talk about the project and the results, and by providing an archive with full documentation of the programs and other resources that have been created during the project.
Please contact us via [email protected] for more information.