Nicolas Cantu shares with IMDbPro his best advice for aspiring actors, his most fun audition, and lessons learned on the set of The Walking Dead: World Beyond.5 of 6
IMDbPro: What has playing Elton in The Walking Dead: World Beyond has taught you as an actor?
Nicolas Cantu: It's definitely taught me a lot but one of my main takeaways was to just enjoy every moment. The set for The Walking Dead: World Beyond could be pretty hectic sometimes because everything was moving so fast, but reminding myself to really take in every day on set and be immersed in the moment was great.
Nicolas Cantu: It's definitely taught me a lot but one of my main takeaways was to just enjoy every moment. The set for The Walking Dead: World Beyond could be pretty hectic sometimes because everything was moving so fast, but reminding myself to really take in every day on set and be immersed in the moment was great.
PeopleAliyah Royale, Alexa Mansour, Nicolas Cantu
Photo by Sarah Shatz/AMC - © 2019 AMC Film Holdings LLC. All Rights Reserved.