House M.D.: Love Hurts (2005)
Season 1, Episode 20
John Cho and Peter Graves, of all people!
28 March 2006
John Cho plays a masochistic soul suffering from a series of strokes. House and crew suspect the choking he regularly gets from his very attractive if slightly creepy dominatrix companion may be causing his problems. The answer lies elsewhere, sort of. Cho is very convincing as a sad sack who can't live without being told what to do. Peter Graves does a clever turn as a man on Viagra who is conflicted about his renewed vigor. His role is more of a cameo than a real part, but his brief appearance ends with one heck of a punch line that even House could not see coming. Lots of other fun stuff happens in this episode. And of course Cameron is back big time. By now, House has convinced Cameron her adoration of him is misguided. What a show!
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