Review of Saw V

Saw V (2008)
For Shame Hackl
27 October 2008
Being a huge Saw fan I can say without a doubt I look forward to each and every offering but this years installment was by far the worst of the bunch. I never claim Saw movies feature terrific acting( besides 1 and 3) but 5 featured some atrocious performances. On one hand you have the wooden Strahm who is literally dictating his thought to... well no one, on the other is Julie Benz, normally a fine actress in Dexter, spouting of ridiculous lines that sound meant for trailers (ex. " It's our next nightmare"). On top of that the movie is just full of sloppy film-making. Let's start with Strahm, he's just unnecessary, he seems only to be there as a vessel to fuel the flashbacks. On to the main trap, The best of the characters is killed in just the second room. Why did they even have to kill him? He was savvy and sharp but I guess the director just wanted to remove all intelligence from this movie. Finally the ending. This might be the worst evidence of a cash-grab I have ever seen. There was no ending, as my friend put it " It's like they ran out of ideas for 6 movies so they cut five in half", and thats really how it felt, INCOMPLETE.
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