I thought we found a cute little movie about dolphins. God forgive me. I won't go into exact detail about what I truly think of this movie because if I were to do such a thing I doubt I would be allowed to ever comment again. "ANYWHERE" To be perfectly honest I believe it is really good that I rented this movie from red box. The reason being that red box doesn't give you the cover for me to wipe my ass with. This movie left me with complete and total nausea the entire time. It is complete and total new age dribble. No lesson at all except if you have low expectations that make no sense and aimlessly move a long through life at the very end you will find a life of complete and total selfish aspiration. If it feels as if my review is all over the place, it is because the movie is. Most of the people are right about this. Anyone that gave this movie a positive did so because they did the unthinkable. Not watching the movie themselves and subjected their poor children to the worst God awful movie ever made. Please save your time, money, and toilet bowl. Don't watch this movie. Please. Your kids will thank you!