But only without the Annie Frost character. We quit watching because we simply could not stand her. The character acted like she was a one woman show and completely ignored her team's safety. She was constantly putting herself and her team in danger and acted like she knew it all, usually with results that could have resulted in someone being seriously injured. Not that it would have mattered if it had been her. If you watch a show, you want it to be realistic and her grandstanding was horrible. Also, that accent was so horrible and when she would look at a victim's relative and say "I'll get the them", we would laugh out loud. Never the team would find the perpetrator but always "her". What a joke. It just got to the point where we quit watching the show. The rest of the cast was superb and I think they should bring the show back without her and it would work. Make Jimmy the team leader and make the team work together like they do in other Jerry Bruckheimer shows.