Game of Thrones: The Ghost of Harrenhal (2012)
Season 2, Episode 5
Another good episode, but not nearly as great as the first four
14 April 2016
The Ghost of Harrenhal is another good episode for Season 2, but it isn't nearly as great as the first four. My two quibbles is that the dialog is a mixed bag. There are some smart moments in the relationships, but some of the dialog didn't as engage me as I hoped. Also, while the story's still good and the writing's fine, very little happens and it left wanting to see what would happen next.

Anyway, like I said, the story's still good and the script is well-written. The performances are still great from all involved, the pacing is still good, the direction is solid, and the music score continues to shine. So, overall, not nearly as great as I hoped, but another good episode for this season.
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