1 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I'll start off by saying what I liked about this part rather than ranting first off. I love the concept of these characters, from one of my favorite television shows as a child, growing up and dealing with being separated. They face issues that anyone else would face, but they each have their digital monsters there to assist them. Seeing them come back in such a spectacular way made me feel goosebumps. Now my complaints are mostly based around one key piece to this twisted adaptation. Meiko Mochizuki, the WORST character introduced into this series. She not only mopes around 24/7, but she just mistreats her digimon. I get that she's sad, but she really is annoying me to the point where I feel regretful of even starting this anime. Also i'm sick of leomon dying, but that's a story for another time. All in all, Meiko is the worst thing that has ever happened to digimon and this god awful mistake must be erased immediately.
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