The Crown: Hyde Park Corner (2016)
Season 1, Episode 2
Nairobi and No Black Dress
6 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Elizabeth goes to Nairobi and makes a speech. Warning - females are topless.

Margaret tells Peter Townsend to kiss her and he gives a peck on the cheek.

Elizabeth seems fascinated by the elephants and safari. She looks at the view in the morning wearing a dress shirt with no pants. Philip is on the bed facing downward and he is nude.

Margaret and Peter make out alone outside.

The king is found dead in the morning. The castle rush to get the news to Nairobi but the newspapers already found out.

Philip is told first and then Elizabeth finds out last. She has no black dress and wears her teal coat leaving Nairobi.

In England she is given a black outfit and a woman shuts the curtain and helps her get dressed. She has on a long white under dress. The black dress goes on as well as black pantyhose. Curtains are pulled back and Elizabeth gets off the plane with tons of viewers.

At the castle Elizabeth goes to see her father in his bed, embalmed.
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