More biased than Fat Fiction; wanders off topic
10 September 2020
I found this while looking for information to counter "Fat Fiction", a documentary promoting low carbs and high fat diet ("Keto" diet...which can cause kidney stones, by the way) for its health benefits, which seemed too good to be true. "What the Health" started with facts about diabetes costs--a good place to start a discussion of diet--but it deteriorated fast and lost me completely when it defended sugar.

Quickly it seemed this is promoting a vegan diet, but then it diverted to impact on the environment of raising farm animals. Then it became about civil rights and raising farm animals being institutional racism. Finally, big Farms and big Pharma get a zing along with old smoky industries. Can't argue with zinging big pharma, but let's try and focus. Are you making a movie about eating healthy? Or about saving the environment from pig and cow poop? Or is it about saving minorities from having to live near pig farms? Or is it about corporate agriculture? Or greedy drug companies? Corporate greed generally?

In the end, I could only stand about half of what the movie maker put on the screen. The fake ADA guy was the worst. How about just discussing legitimate dietary problems. Oh, I'm a vegetarian. After seeing these two movies, I'm investigating the Mediterranean style diet that seems to have allowed people to live longer and have less heart disease in Greece and Italy.
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