The Mandalorian: Chapter 15: The Believer (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
Another great and sometimes hilarious episode.
11 December 2020
This episode since the opening scene was hilarious. It then took a dark turn near the end, and I love the fact that Mayfield got redeemed. If people don't like him after this episode, not sure what to tell you. In conclusion this was an action packed episode. I can't be the only one that thought about Mad Max Fury Road in the pirates scene. Minor complaint- stormtroopers hit everything all of a sudden after Mayfield and Mando arrive, but they historically have bad aiming (even near the ending of this episode). Not gonna lie it felt a little underwhelming compared to the previous two episodes, but still mangages to be action packed and with a cliffhanger that will have you rallying for the season finale.
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