By far my favorite BL story yet
18 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was so funny and cute! I wasn't to into it the first 5 or so minutes so turned it off thinking it would be super boring and focused on the acting stuff or drawn out about the rivalry. But it got so much better and I was hooked after the first "meet up". I binged it in one sitting! It was that good. I don't want to add any spoilers but just want to say that it had a better storyline than the usual boy love stories. This wasn't "the much older man", "young naive kid vibe that every other BL story covers.

It was actually so refreshing to see something new. I like that it also didn't have the BL formula of the "young kid" always protesting being kissed and then gives in thing- But says he hates it. Seeing two grown men starting a relationship was awesome. Also seeing the older one perused was hilarious.
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