I watched this series with my 4 year old son and we both had a blast watching it! That being said, of course Secrets of the Mogwai gets browning points for contributing to some bonding tome between me and my boy. This show maintains alot of that speilberg magic and fun that made the first film such a beloved staple in so many households. Many adults or even older children may be turned away as the animation style may come off as being to childish and truth be told these were my initial thoughts as well. I beg however, please do not let the look of this series turn you away from sitting down and just giving it a shot! It has the childish animation and fun characters that kids will love while also delving into more serious matters and having captivating character and story moments that will also keep the older generations invested. Secrets of the Mogwai is a series that I would recommend anyone gives a watch especially if your a fan of the gremlins and ESPECIALLY If you have little ones to watch it with!