- Lily Munster: Herman tried to build a ship inside a bottle. We had to break the bottle to get him out.
- Lily Munster: Grandpa, if you want the ketchup, just say "Please pass the ketchup", not "Shoot me the plasma!"
- Lily Munster: When is that silly bird going to get girls off his mind?
- The Raven: Nevermore, nevermore.
- Herman Munster: [reading a poem he wrote as an advertising jingle for his mortuary employer] When your days on earth are over / And you've gone to your reward, / Let us put you 'neath the clover / At a price you can afford.
- Marilyn Munster: What does Ramone look like?
- Lily Munster: He looks a little like Cary Grant, the poor man.