- 10k Bullets [Michael Den Boer]
- A Wasted Life
- AllMovie [Craig Butler]
- B-Movies.ru [ChesteR]
- Russian
- Cinéma de Rien [Nicolas Botti]
- French
- Classic Sci-Fi Movies [Nightowl]
- Derek Winnert
- DVDBeaver [Blu-ray] Gary Tooze
- DVDCompare [Eric Cotenas] (UK Blu-ray)
- Fantastic Movie Musings and Ramblings [Dave Sindelar]
- Generic Mugwump [Aaron Fleming]
- Monster Movie Music [Eegah and Tabonga]
- MyReviewer [Stuart McLean]
- Popcorn Pictures [Andrew Smith]
- Quota Quickie [Kris Davies]
- Rivets on the Poster [Mark Cole]
- The Celluloid Highway [Shaun Anderson]
- The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog [Dan Day Jr.]
- The Movie Scene [Andy Webb]
- The Spinning Image [Graeme Clark]
- TV Guide
- Wikipedia
- Zisi Emporium for B Movies [Christopher Zisi]
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