20 of 33 found this mild
Two men take an 18 year old to a brothel. It is implied a prostitute begins jerking him off and he finishes extremely quickly.
A nude prostitute sits at the edge of a bed for an extended scene after presumably having sex with one of the sailors. Breasts are visible several times, though often covered up by her hair.
Mild sexual references
Breasts are briefly shown at one point
12 of 16 found this mild
A brief fight between some Marines and the three principals takes places in a bus terminal bath room. Punches are thrown, no gore beyond a bloody lip (it's played for laughs).
Meadows attempts to escape. Buddusky and Mule chase him with pistols drawn. Buddusky winds up catching up with Meadows and hitting him with the pistol to subdue Meadows.
15 of 23 found this severe
There are 52 uses of "fuck", 21 uses of "shit", 30+ asses, 20+ uses of "Goddamn", a dozen uses of "son of a bitch", and numerous anatomical slang terms.
12 of 18 found this moderate
Buddusky smokes repeatedly.
Marijuana is smoked at a party.
Many six-packs of beer are consumed by the three leads during a stopover in D.C. Later, they drink at a bar.
11 of 18 found this to have none
The fact that a nice sailor is going to jail for 8 years for a minor theft will bother some viewers.