Peter Weller credited as playing...
- Sam: Hey come back here you little shit-head!
- Wendy: Hey! Don't talk to Jake like that!
- Sam: He acts like a shit-head! And you let him act like one!
- Wendy: Well you don't have to act like one too!
- Jake: Next time you come in my room, knock.
- Sam: Next time you pass judgement on me, don't go whining to your mother like some chicken-shit wimp. Have the balls to come say it to my face.
- Wendy: Kids are cynical these days. It's hip.
- Jake: It's not.
- Sam: Why don't you tell us whats hip Jake?
- Jake: Nothings hip.
- Sam: Nothings hip? You mean nothing matters anymore, thats hip? Nothingness is hip?
- Jake: Hip isn't HIP anymore.
- Sam: What's with you, Jake, why's everything such a bummer with you?
- Sam: It takes a lot to open your own restaurant, you gotta have capitol, money/
- Brian Livingston: Not if you open a sushi bar. All you need is some raw fish and a knife.