Firstborn (1984) Poster


Christopher Collet: Jake



  • Jake : Next time you come in my room, knock.

    Sam : Next time you pass judgement on me, don't go whining to your mother like some chicken-shit wimp. Have the balls to come say it to my face.

  • Wendy : Kids are cynical these days. It's hip.

    Jake : It's not.

    Sam : Why don't you tell us whats hip Jake?

    Jake : Nothings hip.

    Sam : Nothings hip? You mean nothing matters anymore, thats hip? Nothingness is hip?

    Jake : Hip isn't HIP anymore.

  • Jake : 11-year-olds into heavy metal!

  • Jake : Why do you get in so many fights?

    Brian : Cuz I always win. It's like being the fastest gun.

    Jake : Then lose once.

  • Jake : You're one tough little guy, aren't you?

    Brian : Tough enough.

  • Jake : Did you spit in this?

    Brian : No, I forgot.

  • Jake Livingston : You don't want the class to know, you want to be the only one with the answer! You want us to think you're the coolest, hippest... if you're that great, why are you trying so hard to impress us?

  • Lee : Where are the cookies? I must have the cookies!

    Jake Livingston : [notices Sam on the couch]  Hey guys, let's get out of here, ok?

    Lee : Now?

    Jake Livingston : Yeah. Let's go over to your house.

    Lee : All we got is Melba Toast!

  • Jake : He's a deadbeat, he's a loser and he's a bullshitter!

  • Jake : He's an asshole trying to make us think he's okay, ok?

    Brian : Maybe he is okay. Maybe YOU'RE the asshole.

  • Jake Livingston : You keep telling us about the real world. But in the real world YOU'D be a grown man competing with a bunch of tenth graders!

See also

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