Enemy Mine (1985) Poster


Louis Gossett Jr.: Drac



  • Davidge : You know something, Jerry? Your great Shismar ain't shit!

    Jerry : [angry]  Earthman, your Mickey Mouse is one big stupid dope!

    [Davidge tries not to laugh] 

  • Davidge : [after Jerry saved Davidge from sand monster]  You saved my life. Why?

    Jerry : Maybe I need to look at another face... even one as ugly as yours.

    Davidge : So you still think humans are ugly?

    Jerry : Compared to a Drac? VERY ugly. But that thing out there... is even more ugly than you.

    Davidge : [sarcastic]  Thank you.

    Jerry : [grinning]  You... are... welcome.

  • Jerry : It is not longer my life that matters. I am not fat, I am not lazy. Davidge... I await a new life.

    Davidge : A new life? From where?

    [Jerry uncovers his abdomen] 

    Davidge : Oh, my God... Oh, my God, are you telling me you're pregnant?

  • Davidge : Where would you be without me, huh?

    Jerry : Back home.

  • Jerry : In your heart, in your soul, you are alone. That is why you separated your sexes, for that brief union.

  • Davidge : "If one receives evil from another, let one not do evil in return. Rather, let him extend love to the enemy, that love might unite them." I've heard all this before... in the human Taalmaan.

    Jerry : Of course you have. Truth is truth.

  • Jerry : [learning to speak English for the first time]  This is my right foot. This is my left foot... and this are both my feet.

    Davidge : Yeah great

    Jerry : Yeah great. This is my head.

    Davidge : That is your ugly head.

    Jerry : No, no. This is my head, that... you head, you ugly head.

    [Starts to gutterall laugh] 

    Davidge : [Sarcastically]  Ha... Ha

    Jerry : That is "Dav-ich" ugly head

    Davidge : Alright that's enough! If you keep that up and you can learn English all by yourself because I won't be your teacher anymore!

    Jerry : Sorry. Dav-idge

    Davidge : That's better.

  • Jerry : [after Davidge shows him his makeshift shelter]  Shit

    Davidge : Shit? What do you mean its shit?

    Jerry : Not Solid

    Davidge : Of course its solid... let me show you

    [Kicks the inside of the shelter entrance and the whole thing collapses] 

  • Jerry : Daaahweeech. There is no... shppoooooooon...

  • Jerry : Humans, easy you give up. Shismar teaches us... intelligent life takes a stand.

See also

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