There is nothing average about these quirky, heart-wrenching, hysterical interviews with average folks, famous folks, heart-wrenching folks and hysterical folks in quirky settings answering age old questions about Heaven...(How Do You Get There?) (Is There Sex in Heaven?)
Everyone's point of view matters. Everyone's point of view becomes comical, if only for the deeply held sincerity of such a wide variety of beliefs.
My favorite quotes...
"Because I believe, and I believe, and I *Know*..."
"It's like he gave you a pair of shoes, and they were beautiful, but they were not my size. And that's how it is in Heaven."
"There are signs in the sky lotsa times Diane, lotsa times."
"And then Jesus flipped over into my living room."
The interviews are interspersed with unique, and some rare, film bits. I have over the years been able to discover and enjoy many of the films these were taken from, so that's a bonus as well.
I remember seeing Diane on the David Letterman show way back when promoting this film.... giggling that there were lots of kissing scenes. Little did i know when i raced out to buy and support her work that i would fall in love with (almost) everyone in the movie, too. I have cried for these people. I have laughed at and with these people. I've quoted this movie at least a thousand times.
All these years, and 3 VHS copies later, i can only hope that people are still discovering the beauty that is Heaven.