Dinky Bosseti : [referring to her adopted mother] We just don't fit. It happens. It's not gonna matter after Friday, anyway.
Elizabeth Zaks : Why, because Roxy Carmichael's coming home?
Dinky Bosseti : Because my mother's coming to get me.
Elizabeth Zaks : Your mother? Wait a minute Dinky, I don't think I understand.
Dinky Bosseti : It's not for you to understand, really.
Dinky Bossetti : Once when I was six and a quarter, Mrs. Bosetti and I sat down and we talked.
Elizabeth Zaks : So, what happened?
Dinky Bossetti : Well... I told her I preferred books to dolls, boots to ballet slippers and that my idea of a family vacation was for all of us to go work on the Alaskan pipeline.
Dinky Bossetti : [about her adoptive mother] You want to know what she calls a penis? Guess.
Elizabeth Zaks : I don't know.
Dinky Bossetti : Come on, guess.
Dinky Bossetti : A "hoo-hoo".
Elizabeth Zaks : Uh-huh.
Dinky Bossetti : You wouldn't believe what she calls a vagina.