Marlboro : My old man used to tell me before he left this shitty world, five rules of playing pool for cash. Lesson #1, always shoot with a cigarette in your mouth.
Big Indian : Can't smoke with no fire, asshole.
Marlboro : I quit!, Lesson #2, always know the table before you shoot.
[Marlboro shoots the ball]
Marlboro : Lesson #3, make sure you chalk that stick... REAL GOOD... before each shot!
[Marlboro shoots the ball again]
Marlboro : Lesson #4, never make a bet... if you can't pay the debt.
[Marlboro puts his hat on the table and shoots the ball again]
Marlboro : Lesson #5, if you lose, make sure you stand up straight and tall.
[points to the ball]
Marlboro : that corner... like a man
Marlboro : School's out boys!
Big Indian : You better get out of town, cowboy... before my cord snaps!
Marlboro : I'm good to go, as soon as I have five big bills in my pocket... and your woman in my bed!
Big Indian : Well I ain't got no $500 cowboy, and there's no way in hell you're bedding down my woman.
Harley Davidson : Looks like you jumped on the wrong horse there cowboy! In case you didn't notice, you're the only cowboy in this place.
Big Indian : He ain't a cowboy, he's more like a pretty boy.