During the bar gunfight, the fan which El Mariachi shoots from the ceiling is on/off between shots.
In the scene when Bucho's right hand man puts his brother in a street fight to test his skills, Pito snaps his right leg above his ankle. Seconds later, his brother uses his right leg for an impossible roundhouse final blow.
During the bar gunfight, El Mariachi kills a fat thug in a cowboy hat as he jumps up onto the bar, and then kills the same thug again a few seconds later.
In one scene El Mariachi has a pistol in his hand seconds later he's threatening the bad guys with a shot gun but kills them with a machine gun,
When the guitar exchange happens, the guitar the boy gives the man in the car does not have a shoulder strap, when he gives it back to El Mariachi and when he breaks it, it has a strap.
During the library shoot-out, the Mariachi's shotgun - a weapon that can only hold two cartridges at a time - is fired five times without reloading.
The Short Bartender uses a Smith & Wesson Model 19 revolver with a suppressor. Like most revolvers, that model cannot be sound suppressed because of the gap between the cylinder and barrel which lets a lot of noise escape.
In the bar scene and the final gunfight, El Mariachi shoots more than 8 rounds from his 8-round Ruger KP-90 .45 pistol.
At least one car has license plates that say 'Mexico'. Automobiles are licensed by the state and are labeled as such. There are no license plates that simply say 'Mexico'.
When El Mariachi follows the boy and slides his shoulder along the wall, leaving blood smears, in one shot you can see what look like places where smears from a previous take have been not-quite-completely scrubbed off.
When the rocket that Campa fires at the bullet proof car reaches the vehicle, if played in slow motion, the rocket can fairly clearly be seen to hit ground just under the front bumper, spin slightly to one side and then continue to burn, while the car explodes, marking the "rocket" as nothing more than a simple firework rocket of some kind.
At the end of the opening credits song, Moco walks in clapping, and when he strikes the match on the guy's stubbled cheek you can see a piece of sandpaper or similar stuck to his face.
When Bucho shoots at the sunroof glass the mark from the bullet is at the bottom of the glass. In the next shot it is higher up.
During the street firefight near the end of the film, When Campa drops down, and flips his guitar case onto his shoulder in preparation to fire a rocket from it, there is no opening or hole at all in the end of the case. The hole the rocket fires from does not appear until 2 shots later, after another shot of the approaching vehicle, then back to Campa. It is in this second shot of Campa that the hole appears and the rocket fires from it.
When El Mariachi is singing his song in the bar, his voice isn't synchronized with his mouth.
When the accountant enters the gunfight at the bar and starts shooting at El Mariachi he is shooting a silenced 92F Beretta, however we hear the gunshots are not silenced.
When Bucho is first visible, he says to his "Right Hand" that he wants "a close lookout on all operations." Right Hand replies, but the line is not heard.
Throughout the film the spur can be hear on El Mariachi's right foot fall. When he appears beside Carolina in the Cafe scene when she opens the guitar case, it is not heard at all.
As the new guy is shooting down the knife thrower, the last 2 shots are heard, however the gun looks empty and with the slide open.
The cameraman is just about visible, reflected in the cash till after bar fight
At the end, when El Mariachi is hitch-hiking, a jeep pulls over to pick him up. As the camera pans over to follow the jeep, it reveals a grip cart full of crew gear (including clips and gaffe tape), in the grass next to the road.
At the end of the opening credits song, Moco walks in clapping, when he strikes the match on the guy's stubbled cheek, you can see a piece of sand paper or similar stuck to his face.
El Mariachi has a vendetta against Bucho for his henchmen killing his girlfriend. Bucho had nothing to do with her murder, Moco did it and El killed him right away in the previous film. While Moco may not be quite as high ranking as Bucho, it still seems unnecessary for El to go after Bucho when he clearly had nothing to do with any murder.
On the roof after a shootout, the shadow of the microphone is visible on a wall in the background.
At the end of the opening credits song, the Mariachi raises his left hand to shield his eyes from the lights as he tries to see who's clapping, but the light is clearly coming from his right so his raised hand would not shield his eyes at all.