2 reviews
Naoto Takenaka plays the best Hideyoshi ever played. This is saying quite a lot, since this historical character has been played more often than most, always by the best.This was a one-year series produced by Japan's public broadcasting. The senior director was Rintaro Mayuzumi, director of "Rampo" also starring Takenaka. Too bad audiences out side of Japan will have such a hard time finding the video for this series. It really is quite good.
These days,SAMURAI dramas are not popular among the youth.So directors are tend to make lighter,easier and modern drama. This drama is also made by such a way and hit.But it neglect how people lived and thought at that era. It disappoints me.on the other hand,new idea of historical people is influenced.For example,Akechi Mithuhide was thought as betrayer until then,but in this drama,due to the actor Hiroaki Murakami's image ,Akechi turned intelligent,sensitive ,and suffer from his situation.