Storm of the Century (TV Mini Series 1999) Poster

Colm Feore: Andre Linoge, Andre Linoge (Human & Monster Form), Minister on TV, Reporter on TV



  • Andre Linoge : Born in lust, turn to dust. Born in sin, COME ON IN.

  • Andre Linoge : [after Mike accuses him of seeing only the bad]  The good is an illusion. Little fables folks tell themselves so they can get through their days without screaming too much.

  • Andre Linoge : When in vice, say it twice.

  • TV Reporter : What really happened in Roanoke in 1587? And what happened here on Little Tall Island in 1989? We may never know. But I know one thing, Davey, you're too damn short to play basketball.

  • Andre Linoge : Give me what I want, AND I'LL GO AWAY.

  • Andre Linoge : Hell is REPETITION.

  • Andre Linoge : [repeated line, singing]  I'm a little teapot, short and stout / here is my handle, here is my spout / when I get all steamed up, hear me shout / "Just tip me over and pour me out!"

  • Martha Clarendon : [Linoge rings Mrs. Clarendon's doorbell. She comes walking down the hall very slowly]  Oh, hold on. I'm getting there as fast as I can. I broke my hip last summer, and I'm still as slow as cold molassas.

    [she opens the door. Linoge stands in the shadow on the porch] 

    Martha Clarendon : Can I help you?

    Andre Linoge : Born in lust, turn to dust...

    Martha Clarendon : I beg your pardon?

    Andre Linoge : Born in sin, come on in...

    [grabs her walker, flings it out into the yard, then kills her with his wolf cane] 

  • Andre Linoge : Before he gets too self-righteous, Katrina, ask him how well he knows Jenna Freeman.

    Kirk Freeman : What do you know about my sister?

    Andre Linoge : That horses aren't all she enjoys riding when the weather's hot.

See also

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