More like outhouse as it's got the same contents. This is probably one of the worst horror films I've ever seen, and I've watched some utter drivel in my time!
A ship flounders onto a lighthouse island with it's crew of convicts and wardens and a crazed killer attempts to murder them all....and... er....that's it. Cue lots of gore and screaming and running about. This could have been so much better but it's totally spoilt by the overwrought acting by people more used to the histrionics of British soap operas.You can almost see the angst in every delivered line of dialogue from this bunch of 'lighthouse luvvies.' Drama workshop and improv style makes for a pretentious story that plays like a student film.Even the swearing is strictly from RADA drama school, i.e: 'farking.' It pains me to admit it but we Brits just can't seem to make a decent horror film anymore,at least not a straight slasher genre type which this fails so dismally at. 'Darkness Falls' was a pretty bad lighthouse based horror but it's a classic compared to this cliché ridden overblown mess.