Little Nicky (2000)
Reese Witherspoon: Holly
Holly : Oh. Angels don't get older, sweetie. I called him sweetie!
[Holly and the angels laugh]
Angel #3 : [Deleted scene; in Heaven] Hi, Holly! What's up?
Holly : Hi! They're not my friends. We just let them use the terrace.
Nicky : Is this cake made out of Reefer?
Holly : Drugs aren't cool in Heaven. Right, Jenna?
Christa : Hey, Nicky. Would you like something from the Hostess tree? Pink Snowball, Ho-Ho, Cupcake?
Nicky : No, thanks. I'm okay.
Jenna : They're fat-free in Heaven.
Nicky : That's alright. I appreciate that. So, are you Adrian and Cassius' mom, too?
Christa : No! Their mothers were not angels.
Holly : Yeah, they were like hookers or like, strippers or something really porno-like.
Nicky : Porno?