Invader ZIM (2001–2006)
Andy Berman: Dib Membrane, Dib, Kids, Blotchtarian, Brent, Busboy, Crowd Choir, Crowd Member #2, Dib's Computer, Dibship, Ghost, Irken, Larb, Man, Nightmare Dib, SIR Walla, Slaves, Sobbing Kid, Steve, Tae, Video Kids, Willy
Dib : [commenting on his teacher, Ms. Bitters] Someone said she's existed from time immemorial and they just built the school around her.
Tak : The great thing about your people Dib is that, most of them don't notice. All they see is another faceless corporate venture! Not a plan for world conquest!
Dib : Wait, is there really a difference?
Dib : My head's not big! Why does everyone say that?
Dib : [commenting on the school's fundraising video] Why don't they take the money spent on candy and prizes and use it to buy desks?
Ms. Bitters : That answer wasn't in the video.
Dib : [out of breath] Sorry... I'm late... horrible nightmare visions!
Ms. Bitters : It's called life Dib, sit down!
Dib : [breaks a pencil in half and sticks one half up his nose] Ms. Bitters, I think a pencil is lodged in my brain. Can I go to the nurse?
Ms. Bitters : How far in your brain?
Dib : ...pretty far...
Ms. Bitters : Alright. Take the auxiliary hall pass.
[Points to a radiator with "HALL PASS" spray painted on it]
Zim : At the end of this wormhole lies... A ROOM WITH A MOOSE!
Dib : NOOOO!... wait a minute, did you say a room with a moose?
Zim : Yes. Your fear is overwhelming, no?
Dib : ...Um no... What's so scary about a room with a stupid moose in it? I mean, yeah that's a big moose, but really?
Zim : Oh, I will show you! Prepare your bladder for emanate release!
Dib : That's it Zim! This has to stop!
Zim : I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about.
Dib : Look at you! You've gone too far! You're a hideous blob of stolen organs!
Zim : I've been working out.
Zim : [hacks up a child's intestine and slurps it back up, then opens his mouth to reveal the stolen organs in his throat]
Dib : You think you can fool a trained medical professional?
Zim : Yes.
Dib : I suppose you've got a heart in there?
Zim : Six of them.
Dib : Intestines?
Zim : Large or small?
Dib : Spleen?
Zim : In three different colors.
Dib : What about lungs?
Zim : [pauses for a second, then uses his robotic spider legs to lift himself into the ceiling to go find lungs]
Dib : You won't find lungs on my watch Zim!
Dib : Chickenfoot, come back! You're not a freak! You're just stupid!
[aliens have mistaken Zim for a Human and abducted him]
Zim : But I'm not Human!
[Zim takes off his disguise]
Zim : See! Not Human! I can see how you could be fooled but...
Alien 1 : You are Human! We have proof!
[plays a video of Zim and Dib in school]
Dib : I know what you are Zim!
Zim : Yup! I'm Human! Human! Human! Human! Just look at my neck!
[video ends]
Zim : ...I was lying! Surely you've heard of the mighty Irken race?
Alien 2 : Nope! We don't get that TV no more!
Dib : What does identifying blotches have to do with our future careers?
Ms. Bitters : Oh, you poor doomed child.
[Gaz grabs a baseball bat and proceeds to go to the mall to get a Game Slave 2]
Professor Membrane : Wait, where do you think you're going?
Gaz : To the mall. Game Slave 2 goes on sale at midnight! I need one!
Professor Membrane : Oh, alright then, have fun! Just one thing, take your brother with you, it can be dangerous out there!
Gaz : That's what the bats for.
[a robotic claw takes the bat away from Gaz]
Gaz : Awww
Dib : [getting ready to watch his favorite show] I've been waiting all night to see this, she can wait to get her stupid game!
Professor Membrane : Son, video games development hand eye coordination and make kids into better human beings!
Dib : Oh ok, but only after the show is over.
Gaz : [growls in anger]
[Dib contacts Professor Membrane]
Professor Membrane : Not now son! I'm right in the middle of...
Dib : But dad, it's Santa! He's evil and he wants to annihilate all mankind!
Professor Membrane : I knew this day would come! Son, I'm giving you full access to the anti-Santa arsenal I made when I was a child. Good luck destroying Santa! And Merry Christmas.
Dib : Dad, this is Zim. You know, the alien.
Professor Membrane : And what country is the little green boy from?
Professor Membrane : Good morning son, your little foreign friend is here to see you.
[gestures at Zim]
Dib : Dad! That's the alien! THE ALIEN!
Professor Membrane : [chuckles] Of course he is! You two have fun!
[leaves the room]