Everwood (2002–2006)
Jan Broberg: Louise
[Dr. L. Abbott is doodling an Alfalfa Gets Geronimo'd stick figure with an arrow through its head as Louise's voice drones ever onwards into somnolent bliss]
Louise : The proliferation of 15 minute coffee breaks to include more than three per day or the extension of said breaks to encompass greater than 20 minutes of downtime in the span of a three hour period should be avoided.
[Dr. H. Abbott is reading along with his own highbrowed superfluidity of speech in a resounding No!' of silent-mouthed head shaking. Dr. L. Abbott is bored out of her wits]
Dr. Harold Abbott : Thank you, Louise. Ahhhh, moving onto this month's management topics.
Dr. Linda Abbott : You mean there's something left uncovered in the October management summit of 2003? I'm stunned.