William Appleyard and Anne Russell are about to get married. On wedding's eve William's ex-wife forces him to take their kids while her frazzled husband waits with a shotgun. Security man Mr Bigwood has disappeared.
The post wedding party kicks off at the big house. Ken, who lives with William's ex, gets drunk and starts a fight with the best man. Sarah seduces Royston the boyfriend of her sister Liz in the barn before finding the body of Mr Bigwood.
Eric Russell and groom William Appleyard attempt to carry on the wedding festivities without telling anybody about the murder of Mr Bigwood. William confesses to wife Anne that he killed Bigwood thinking it was Ken.
The Russell family close ranks behind William to hide the inconvenient truth of the murder of Mr Bigwood. Ken's blackout, on the eve of the wedding, makes him the ideal suspect so life can now get back to normal.