Billy Drago credited as playing...
- Patty Halliwell: Prue, Prue. You must face your fears, Prue. You must trust in the greatest of all powers. Love.
- Prue Halliwell: Mom?
- Patty Halliwell: Save yourself. Save your sister.
- [Patty grabs Prue's hand and saves her]
- Patty Halliwell: Don't be afraid.
- Prue Halliwell: It's over.
- Demon of Fear: Your fear.
- Prue Halliwell: I'm not afraid anymore.
- Demon of Fear: [to Phoebe] You humans need to look deeper your deepest fear isn't getting trapped in an elavator it's losing a sister.
- Tanjella: Sorry, we're closed. I said, we're closed.
- Demon of Fear: Not to me, witch.
- Tanjella: Oh my God!
- Demon of Fear: Amulet's don't work with this demon. Your greatest fear is being buried alive in an earthquake. Yes. You can't run, you're frozen in fear!
- Barbas: [Sees Prue come to the surface of the pool] What? How'd you...?
- Prue: I'm not scared anymore.
- [Uses her power of telekinesis on him throwing him back a good few feet]
- Barbas: [Stands up and the clock strikes midnight] NOOOOOO!
- [Disappears into wherever he came from]
- Phoebe: [Bindings magically disappear and she stands up looking at her eldest sister] I was so scared. I thought I lost you forever.
- Prue: You're not gonna lose me. It's over. Something happened when I was at the bottom and Mom appeared. She took my hand and brought me to the surface.
- Phoebe: Whatever happened, it saved your life and mine. What do you think happened to him?
- Prue: I think he went back to wherever he came from in the first place. At least we won't have to deal with him ever again. He's back in the bottle for 200 years.
- Phoebe: [Hugs her] I'm just glad you're alright.
- Prue: [Hugs her baby sister back] I love you.
- Phoebe: [Pulls away to look at her surprised] That's the first time you ever said that to me.
- Prue: I know. And I wish I would've said it sooner. I was just afraid that after Mom died, that if I got close to you and Piper, I'd lose you too.
- Phoebe Halliwell: [Barbas, the demon of fear, tricked Phoebe into coming to a house where she'd be alone. He grabs hold of her] Let go or I'll scream!
- Barbas: Yeah? I could use a fix.
- [He passes his hand in front of her face, trying to find out what she's most afraid of]
- Phoebe Halliwell: I know how you kill. There are no elevators around here!
- Barbas: Elevators? That's what you think your greatest fear is? You mortals need to look deeper. Down where the real truth lies. Your greatest fear is losing a sister and I get two for one.