- Dalek Supreme: The ship and its occupants must be totally destroyed. Destroyed! Destroyed!
- A Dalek: It will be done.
- [last lines]
- Malpha: Now all is ready. We at this table pledge our allegiance to the Dalek cause. Our armies will reduce the galaxies to ashes. Their people to dust. And Earth we will conquer first. Victory! Victory!
- All: Victory! Victory! Victory!
- Black Dalek: They will not have time. If they do not die by our Varga plants, my patrols will kill them! They will be exterminated! Exterminated!
- Marc Cory: This is Marc Cory, Special Security Service, reporting from the planet Kembel. The Daleks are planning the complete destruction of our galaxy. Together with the powers of the outer galaxies, a war force is being assembled.
- Malpha: This is indeed an historic moment in the history of the universe! We six from the outer galaxies, joining with the power from the solar system - the Daleks! The seven of us represent the greatest war force ever assembled! Conquest is assured!
- Gordon Lowery: It's the biggest rocket ship I've ever seen. It's like nothing we've got.
- Marc Cory: It's from an outer galaxy.
- Gordon Lowery: But what's it doing in a godforsaken planet like this?
- Marc Cory: I don't know. But I'll tell you this. There's something very big going on here and if the Daleks are involved, you can bet your life our whole galaxy is in danger.