The X-Files (TV Series)
Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space' (1996)
Charles Nelson Reilly: Jose Chung
Jose Chung : For although we may not be alone in the universe, in our own separate ways, on this planet, we are all... alone.
Detective Manners : [in Scully's flashback] Well, thanks a lot! You really bleeped up this case.
Dana Scully : [retelling story] Well, of course he didn't actually say "bleeped." He said...
Jose Chung : I'm familiar with Detective Manners' colorful phraseology.
Jose Chung : Aren't you nervous telling me all this? After receiving all those death threats?
Blaine Faulkner : Well, hey, I didn't spend all those years playing Dungeons and Dragons and not learn a little something about courage.
Jose Chung : Evidence of extraterrestrial existence remains as elusive as ever, but the skies will continue to be searched by the likes of Blaine Faulkner, hoping to someday find not only proof of alien life, but also contentment on a new world. Until then, he must be content with his new job.
[Blaine, now a county lineman in a bucket lift, gets electrocuted by a power-pole transformer and screams]
Jose Chung : Others search for answers from within. Roky relocated to El Cajon, California, preaching to the lost and desperate.
Roky Crikenson : [Roky speaking before a small group seated on the floor] And so at each death, the soul descends further into the inner earth, attaining ever greater levels of purification, reaching enlightenment at the core. Assuming, of course, that your soul is able to avoid the lava men.
Jose Chung : Seeking the truth about aliens means a perfunctory 9-to-5 job to some. For although Agent Diana Lesky
[Scully reading the completed book "From Outer Space"]
Jose Chung : is noble of spirit and pure at heart, she remains, nevertheless, a federal employee. As for her partner, Renard Muldrake - that ticking time bomb of insanity - his quest into the unknown has so warped his psyche, one shudders to think how he receives any pleasures from life.
[Mulder in bed watching the Patterson-Gimlin bigfoot film]
Jose Chung : Chrissy Giorgio has come to believe her alien visitation was a message to improve the condition of her own world and she has devoted herself to this goal wholeheartedly.
Chrissy Giorgio : [Harold tosses a pebble at her window to get her attention. She opens her window] Oh, it's you. What do you want?
Harold Lamb : I just wanted to tell you, I still love you.
Chrissy Giorgio : Love. Is that all you men think about?
[Harold winces as she slams the window and turns away]
Jose Chung : Then there are those who care not about extraterrestrials, searching for meaning in other human beings. Rare or lucky are those who find it. For although we may not be alone in the universe, in our own separate ways, on this planet, we are all... alone.
[cue the X-Files theme music]
Jose Chung : I was interested in how the CIA, when conducting the MK-ULTRA mind control experiments back in the 50's, had no idea how hypnosis worked. Or, what it was.
Dana Scully : No one still knows.
Jose Chung : Still, as a storyteller, I'm fascinated how a person's sense of consciousness can be so transformed by nothing more magical than listening to words... mere words.
Jose Chung : [discussing the written statement of one of the witnesses to a UFO abduction] I don't know which was more disturbing, his description of the inner core reincarnated souls' sex orgy, or the fact that the whole thing was written in screenplay format.
Jose Chung : As for her partner, Renard Muldrake - that ticking time bomb of insanity - his quest into the unknown has so warped his psyche, one shudders to think how he receives any pleasures from life.
[cut to Mulder in bed watching the Patterson-Gimlin bigfoot film]
Dana Scully : In short, Roky showed signs of being what is known as a fantasy-prone personality.
Jose Chung : Agent Scully, you are so kindhearted. He's a nut! I just read his manifesto.
Jose Chung : When people talk about their "UFO" experiences, they always start off with, "Well now, I know how crazy this is gonna sound, but..."
Jose Chung : What really happened to those kids on that night?
Fox Mulder : How the hell should I know?