The Mandalorian (TV Series)
Chapter 10: The Passenger (2020)
Pedro Pascal: The Mandalorian
Captain Carson Teva : We ran the tabs on the Razor Crest. You have an arrest warrant for the abduction of prisoner X-Six-Nine-Eleven. However, onboard security records show that your apprehended three priority culprits from the Wanted Register. Security records also show that you put your own life in harm's way to try to protect that of Lieutenant Davan from the New Republic Correctional Corps. Is this true?
The Mandalorian : Am I under arrest?
Captain Carson Teva : Technically, you should be. But these are trying times.
The Mandalorian : What say I forego the bounties of these three criminals, and you two help me fuse my hull so I can get off this frozen rock?
Captain Carson Teva : What say you fix that transponder, and we don't vaporize that antique the next time we patrol the Rim?
Peli Motto : Okay. Well, you might be in luck. Dr. Mandible says he can connect you with someone who can help you, *if* you cover his call this round. It's what he said.
The Mandalorian : What's the bet?
Peli Motto : Five hundred.
The Mandalorian : That's a high-stakes game.
Peli Motto : Hey, he's on a hot streak.
[Mando throws money on table]
Peli Motto : Is the pot right? Ha! Idiot's Array! Pay up, thorax!
The Mandalorian : I thought you said he was on a hot streak?
Peli Motto : Oh, stop your cryin'. You'll rust.
The Mandalorian : I'm not a taxi service.
Peli Motto : I know, I know, I hear you. But I can vouch for her.
The Mandalorian : What's the cargo?
Peli Motto : [conversing in Frog] It's her spawn. She needs her eggs fertilized by the equinox or her line will end. If you jump into hyperspace, they'll die. She said her husband has settled on the estuary moon of Trask in the system of the gas giant Kol Iben.
The Mandalorian : She said all that?
Peli Motto : I paraphrased.
The Mandalorian : Is she sure there are Mandalorians there?
Peli Motto : [conversing in Frog] She said her husband has seen them.
The Mandalorian : Do you know the husband?
Peli Motto : No. I just met her ten minutes before you walked in.
The Mandalorian : I thought you said you vouched for her on your life.
Peli Motto : What can I say? I'm an excellent judge of character.
Peli Motto : You finally found a Mandalorian and you killed him?
The Mandalorian : He wasn't Mandalorian. I bought this armor off of him, though.
Peli Motto : What'd that set you back?
The Mandalorian : Killed the krayt dragon for him.
Peli Motto : Oh. Is that all?
The Mandalorian : He was my last lead on finding other Mandalorians.
Captain Carson Teva : I'm gonna need you to send us a ping. We're out here sweeping for Imperial holdouts.
The Mandalorian : I'll let you know if I see any.
Captain Carson Teva : I'm still gonna need you to send us that ping.
The Mandalorian : Well, I'm not sure I have that hardware online.
Captain Carson Teva : We can wait.
The Mandalorian : Yeah, I... I... doesn't seem to be, uh, working.
Captain Carson Teva : That's too bad. If we can't confirm you're not Imperial, you're gonna have to follow us to the outpost at Adelphi. They'll run your tabs.
The Mandalorian : [flipping a switch] Oh, wait. There it is. Transmitting now.
[shushing Frog Lady]
The Mandalorian : Be quiet!
Captain Carson Teva : What's that?
The Mandalorian : Uh, nothing. The hypervac is drawing off the exhaust manifold.
Trapper Wolf : Carson, can you switch over to channel two?
Captain Carson Teva : Copy.
[after a moment of silence, the X-wings lock their foils into attack position]
Captain Carson Teva : Was your craft in the proximity of New Republic correctional transport Bothan 5?
[without answering, Mando thrusts the Crest forward]
Trapper Wolf : We got a runner.
Captain Carson Teva : I'm on it.
Peli Motto : All right, here's the deal. A Mandalorian covert is close. It's in this sector, one system trailing.
The Mandalorian : Are they the ones that left Nevarro?
Peli Motto : Don't know. All I know is that the contact will lead you to them.
The Mandalorian : How much will it cost me?
Peli Motto : Well, that's the great news. It's free. Aside from a finder's fee, of course.
The Mandalorian : What's the not-great news?
Peli Motto : Nothing. It's all great.
The Mandalorian : Okay.
Peli Motto : However, there is one small skank in the scud pie.
The Mandalorian : Which is?
Peli Motto : The contact wants passage to the system.
The Mandalorian : Do you vouch for them?
Peli Motto : On my life.
The Mandalorian : Fine.
Peli Motto : And... no hyperdrive.
The Mandalorian : You want me to travel sub-light? Deal's off.
Peli Motto : It's one sector over.
The Mandalorian : Moving fast is the only thing keeping me safe.
Captain Carson Teva : [Over comms] Razor Crest, M-One-Eleven. Come in Razor Crest, do you copy?
The Mandalorian : [Two patrolling X-Wings catch up with the ship] This is Razor Crest. Is there a problem?
Captain Carson Teva : We noticed your transponder is not emitting.
The Mandalorian : Yes, I'm pre-empire surplus. I'm not required to run a beacon.
Captain Carson Teva : That was before. This sector is under New Republic jurisdiction, all craft are required to run a beacon.
The Mandalorian : Thank you for letting me know, I'll get right on it.
Captain Carson Teva : Not a problem. Safe travels.
The Mandalorian : May the Force be with you.
Captain Carson Teva : And also with you.
Frog Lady : Wake up, Mandalorian.
[jerking awake, Mando draws his gun]
Frog Lady : This cannot wait until morning. Do not be alarmed. I bypassed the droid's security protocols and accessed its vocabulator.
The Mandalorian : What the hell are you doing? That droid is a killer.
Frog Lady : These eggs are the last brood of my life cycle. My husband has risked his life to carve out an existence for us on the only planet that is hospitable to our species. We fought too hard and suffered too much to resign ourselves to the extinction of our family line. I must demand that you hold true to the deal that you agreed to.
The Mandalorian : Look, lady, the deal is off. We're lucky if we get off this frozen tomb with our lives.
Frog Lady : I thought honoring one's word was a part of the Mandalorian code. I guess those are just stories for children.
The Mandalorian : [getting to his feet, he grabs a toolbox and heads outside] This was not a part of the deal.
Peli Motto : All right. He says the contact will rendezvous at the hangar. They'll tell where to find some Mandalorians. That's what you wanted, right?
The Mandalorian : Yes?
Peli Motto : All right, well, stop your mopin'. More importantly, did you bring back any of that dragon meat? Better not have any maggots on it. I hate maggots.
The Mandalorian : [after a crash landing] If you hadn't guessed, we're in a tight spot. The main power drive is not responding, and the hull has lost its integrity. I suspect the temperature will drop significantly when night falls. I'll have a better idea of our prospects at that time.
[Frog Ladys speaks in Frog]
The Mandalorian : I'm sorry, lady. I don't understand Frog. Whatever it is, it can wait until morning. I recommend you get some sleep.
The Mandalorian : Wake me up if someone shoots at us. Or that door gets sucked off its rails.
[Frog Lady says something in Frog]
The Mandalorian : I'm kidding. If that happened, we'd all be dead.
[getting cozy to go to sleep]
The Mandalorian : Sweet dreams.
The Mandalorian : I'm gonna repair the cockpit enough for us to limp to Trask. There's nothing I can do about the main hull's integrity, so we're gonna have to get cozy in the cockpit. It's the only thing I can pressurize. If you need to use the privy, do it now. It's gonna be a long ride.
The Mandalorian : [finding the Child eating Frog Lady's eggs] No! I told you not to do that.
[Frog Lady says something in Frog from the cockpit]
The Mandalorian : Found them! How many did you eat?