When the motorcade with Nadine approaches Mother Abagail's house a large trash truck is the last vehicle to make the turn onto the street. The truck is never seen again in the shots of the vehicles.
A lot of the bodies in the church were not decomposed enough for the amount of time that they were there, unless a lot of those people lived in the church for about a month with no food. This of course depends on the health of the people before they arrived at the church, the superflu did emaciate lots of victims.
The position of the breadsticks at Nadine's plate changes between shots.
When Flagg gives the pendant to Trashcan Man, the stone has a chain as the necklace portion. It is a literal chain, with links. When Trash takes it from Flagg's hand, however, it changes to a thin string-type necklace.
After discovering that Mother Abigail has left the Boulder Free Zone, the Committee gathers in her house and Glen Bateman reads the letter she wrote before she left to atone for her sins. He notes the Bible passage Mother Abigail referenced as Proverbs 11:3. Bateman then incorrectly recites, "When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom". This verse is actually Proverbs 11:2.
Reflected in the gold rim of the wine glass when Harold and Nadine are drinking wine from the same glass.
When the folks meet to elect the Free Zone Committee, the camera focuses in on a mural above the crowd's heads with the date 1847 and a bearded man with a staff.
This gives away the location as the Union Pacific railroad station in downtown Salt Lake City and not Boulder, Colorado.
This gives away the location as the Union Pacific railroad station in downtown Salt Lake City and not Boulder, Colorado.
As Nadine (with Stephen King driving) arrives into "Eastern Colorado" there are mountains around them and close by. Eastern Colorado is very flat, similar to Kansas and other plain states. The mountains only come into view about central Colorado.
After Lloyd finishes talking with Bobby Terry he says,"If black powder were brains, that guy couldn't blow his nose". The actual saying is "If brains were black powder, he couldn't blow his nose".