- Randall Flagg: Pleased to meet you, Lloyd. Hope you guessed my name.
- Lloyd Henreid: Huh?
- Randall Flagg: Oh. Nothing. Just a little classical reference.
- Mother Abigail Freemantle: Doctor told me to cut out the coffee, I only have one cup a day... no, two cups a day
- [laughs and drinks it]
- Mother Abigail Freemantle: Besides, he's dead and I'm still living.
- Tom Cullen: [to Nick] We going to Kansas City?
- [Nick shakes his head]
- Tom Cullen: To go see the old black lady?
- [Nick does a take, mimicks playing a guitar]
- Tom Cullen: That's right, she lives out in the corn and she sits out on her front porch and plays the guitar. I wouldn't mind seeing her, but we won't see the other one, will we? The one that turns into a crow? He scares me.
- Stu Redman: [on surprising Glen] I'm a friend.
- Glen Bateman: [eying Stu's M16] I certainly hope so.
- Stu Redman: [holding up the gun] Think of it as home defense... while on the road.
- Frannie Goldsmith: [riding a motorcycle] Harold, I don't think I'm ever gonna get these calluses off my fanny.
- Stu Redman: Going to Stovington would be a waste of your time.
- Harold Lauder: [scoffs] I hardly think you're the best judge of that.
- Glen Bateman: He was there, and he knows, they tried to kill him.
- Glen Bateman: Kojak, say hello to Stuart Redmen,
- [laughs]
- Glen Bateman: worthless dog.
- Stu Redman: Don't be too hard on him, he's the first dog I've seen in... well, since about the third week in June.
- Harold Lauder: [drinking beer] Not bad, it's cold.
- Stu Redman: Enjoy it while it lasts, I have a feeling there's going to be a shortage of cold beer this summer.
- Glen Bateman: The name of the man in the desert is Flagg, and I think he's crucifying anyone who gets in his way.
- Ralph Brentner: What if this other guy we've been dreaming about is... well, not real, like a boogeyman?
- Mother Abigail Freemantle: You dreamed of me, am I the boogeyman?
- Ralph Brentner: [laughs] No ma'am.
- Larry Underwood: We have to get out of the city. It's not just the odds of getting shot. Do you know what it's going to smell like in two weeks? Five million dead people rotting in the July sun?
- Larry Underwood: [to Nadine] I don't need this prima donna act! You have fun getting raped and murdered back on 7th Avenue, sweetheart!
- Mother Abigail Freemantle: I hear you, Lord, and I'm in the way of doing your will, but I don't much like it!
- Mother Abigail Freemantle: Once in every generation, the plague shall fall among them. That's what it says in the Book. Seems like maybe you went a little too far this time,
- Larry Underwood: [to Nadine] I am not going to stand here in the midst of 5 million dead bodies and watch you commit suicide!
- Stu Redman: We'll try to find the old black woman, assuming she's real...
- Glen Bateman: Folks around these parts call me Mother Abigail, I'm 106 years old and I still make my own bread.
- Stu Redman: That's her.
- Lucy Swann: Oh, thank god! I'm so happy... we're so happy to see someone else. Aren't we, Joe?
- Larry Underwood: Yeah, same here, believe me.
- [to Joe]
- Larry Underwood: How ya doing, son?
- [Joe goes at Larry with a knife]
- Lucy Swann: [pulling Joe back] Put that away!
- Larry Underwood: Nice kid. Has he had his rabies shots yet?
- Lucy Swann: I'm sorry! He's been... traumatized.
- Larry Underwood: Haven't we all?
- Lucy Swann: I suppose so.