- Tsireya: [to Lo'ak] The way of water has no beginning and no end. Our hearts beat in the womb of the world. The sea is your home, before your birth and after your death. The sea gives and the sea takes. Water connects all things: life to death, darkness to light.
- [last lines]
- Jake Sully: I see now. I can't save my family by running. This is our home. This is our fortress. This is where we make our stand.
- Quaritch: [to Neytiri] I owe you a death.
- [Neytiri snarls at him]
- Quaritch: You're not leaving are you, Jake? Knowin' I'm out there. Knowin' that I'll never stop. I'm coming for you. And when I do, I'll kill your whole family.
- Jake Sully: Then let's get it done.
- Neytiri: [after Lo'ak returns back to the village] I pray for the strength that I will not pluck the eyeballs out of my youngest son!
- [Pretends to pull out Lo'ak's eyes]
- [from trailer]
- Kiri: Dad I know you think I'm crazy. But I feel her. I hear her heart beat. She's so close
- Jake Sully: So what does her heartbeat sound like?
- Kiri: Mighty.
- Quaritch: [to his recom squad] We are not in Kansas, anymore. We are going to Pandora. Now... I know you're all asking yourselves the same question. Why so blue?
- [Everyone laughs]
- Quaritch: For our sins in our past life we have been brought back in the form of our enemy. That gives us their size, their strength, the speed. And with our training, that's a pretty potent mix.
- Recom Wainfleet: Do you have a mission yet?
- Quaritch: Indeed we do. Our mission is to hunt down and kill the leader of the Navi insurgency. The one they call Toruk Makto. Jake Sully.
- Quaritch: [to Spider] Get on the ship, find a seat and keep outta the way.
- [as Spider mans a machine gun turrent]
- Quaritch: Whoa, hold on there hotshot. You listen up. There's a tracker built into that mask, we hit the ground and you take off, I'll have you back here in two minutes, and I will give you a whole school ass-whippin'. Understood?
- [Reaffirmingly]
- Quaritch: Understood?
- Spider: [non-serious tone] Yes, sir.
- Tsireya: [using underwater sign language to Lo'ak, Neteyam and Tuk] Swim together with us.
- [as the three go back up for air]
- Aonung: [uses underwater sign language] What's wrong with them?
- Rotxo: Those guys are bad divers.
- Tsireya: Stop. They're learning.
- [Comes up to the surface]
- Tsireya: Are you all right?
- Tuk: You're to fast. Wait for us.
- Tsireya: Just breathe. Breathe.
- Aonung: [comes to the surface] You are not good divers. Maybe good at swinging through trees, but...
- [Tsireya hits him on the head]
- Neteyam: Come on bro. We don't speak this finger talk, you guys. We don't know what you're saying.
- Tsireya: I will teach you.
- Lo'ak: [regarding how Grace's Avatar got pregnant] So who do you think knocked her up? Pretty sure it was Norm.
- Spider: Totally.
- Kiri: [shocked] You do not deserve to live.
- Lo'ak: No, no, no. Think about it, right? I mean, he's the teacher's pet. He's out at the lab with her all the time.
- Kiri: I would kill myself. I would drink acid.
- Spider: [regarding the video log with Grace and Norm] Bro, you're right. He's, like, in every shot. Bro, look, look, he's giving her the looks.
- Kiri: Hey.
- Lo'ak: See, I'm thinking their two avatars were out in the woods all alone.
- Kiri: Gross.
- Spider: Guys. I mean, sometimes it's not so great to know who your father was.
- [They both stare at him]
- Spider: Whatever. Don't even remember him.
- Lo'ak: [comfortingly] No, Spider.
- Spider: Dude.
- Kiri: [reassuringly] Spider... You are not him.
- Quaritch: [after discovering he's been brought back as a recombinant Na'vi] Well... ain't this a bitch.
- Quaritch: [to his Recom squad] All right, listen up. Jake Sully has gone underground, don't matter wherever he is we'll find him and his batshit crazy wife too. To do so, we go Na'vi. Full tilt all the way. That means we eat Na'vi, we ride Na'vi, think Na'vi,
- [in Na'vi language]
- Quaritch: And that starts with speaking the language.
- Spider: [chuckling; in Na'vi language] You call that speaking na'vi? You sound like a three-year-old.
- Quaritch: Alright, smart guy. You just went from being our monkey mascot to our official interpreter.
- Young Lo'ak: [Lo'ak and Kiri are fighting over a toy while a tired Jake watches in the background; in Na'vi language] It's mine! I had it first! I hate you.
- Young Kiri: [also in Na'vi language] Why do I have to give it to you?
- Young Lo'ak: [in Na'vi] It's mine!
- Young Kiri: [in Na'vi] Lo'ak, you liar! Give it to me!
- Jake Sully: [voiceover] Took a few years to get the language through my thick skull. But now when I hear it, might as well be English.
- Young Lo'ak: [speaking english] I hate you!
- Young Kiri: [also speaking English] Well I hate you times infinity, Lo'ak! Penis face!
- [Lo'ak screams at her]
- Jake Sully: Hey, hey, that's enough. Don't make me come over there.
- Dr. Garvin: [after the mother Tulkun is killed] the only way to reach the glands is from below, drill up through the heart palate into the brain. These are highly intelligent beings. Probably smarter than us.
- Scoresby: Not smarter than me.
- Dr. Garvin: That is setting the bar very low.
- Scoresby: Hey, I'm the one with the harpoon.
- Dr. Garvin: Yeah.
- Spider: How do you know... that they're smarter than us?
- Dr. Garvin: They have more neurons, more pathways. Not only are they smarter, they're deeply emotional. More spiritual.
- [shows Spider a 3d scan of the tulkuns brain]
- Dr. Garvin: This region here corresponds with our emotional centers, but proportionally it's much larger. They have music, philosophy, mathematics, complex language. Okay. Here we go.
- Scoresby: [as a yellow liquid is extracted from the tulkuns brain] Show me the money.
- Quaritch: So that's what this is all about?
- Dr. Garvin: That's it. Amrita.
- Scoresby: [after the amrita is extracted into a vial he takes it out] Bad luck for the big guys. This stuff just happens to stop human aging. Like.. stops it. Ounce for ounce, the single most valuable substance known to man. This little vile here is worth like 80 million.
- [pretends to throw it]
- Scoresby: Think fast!
- Dr. Garvin: Please don't. It's never funny.
- Scoresby: Amrita is what's paying for everything here on Pandora now. Even your research, ain't that right, Dr. G?
- Dr. Garvin: It's why I drink.
- Spider: That's all you take? y-You just waste the rest?
- Scoresby: Drop the bags. Let's sink her.
- Quaritch: No, leave the bags I want them to know it was us.
- Scoresby: I charge extra for being used as bait.
- Jake Sully: [voiceover as he surrenders leadership of the clan to Tarsem so he and his family go into hiding] This is like stones in my heart. Tarsem is wise through his years. He will become a strong Olo'eyktan. The leader must die... so the leader can be born
- [Tarsem symbolically "kills" Jake by cutting his chest with a dagger in order to transfer leadership]
- Jake Sully: Toruk Makto will disappear. The people will be safe. A father protects. It's what gives him meaning. One life ends. Another begins.
- Quaritch: [in a video log from his time as a human] In case you haven't figured it out yet, you're Colonel Miles Quatrich. Only younger, taller, bluer... and not nearly as good-looking. In two years, I fly a mission against the Navi's stronghold. The powers that be thought it prudent that I do this backup just in case. And if you are watching it, well... It means that I did get my ticket punched. Hey, Parker... just what the hell am I supposed to say now?
- Selfridge: Just remind him how this works. Here.
- [Adjusts the video log screen for a better view and shows him a capsule]
- Selfridge: So see this? This is all your memories and your personality. We're going to send this back to Earth... where you're growing in a lab as we speak. We're going to imprint you with it, and then..
- Quaritch: [talking over] Hey, hey, hey. Am I doing this, or are you doing this?
- Selfridge: [pats his back and walks off] Hurry it up. Hurry it up.
- Quaritch: Anyway, the idea... Is to get the minds of the saltiest on world operators. Yeah, like Corporal Wainfleet over there...
- [Wainfleet gets out of the pod in the video pod and strikes a pose and the recom Wainfleet while watching says Hoorah]
- Quaritch: and you're humble narrator into recombinant bodies. You're a recom now, Colonel... loaded with my memories and my charm. What you won't remember is my death because it hasn't happened yet and it ain't gonna.
- [Wainfleet and Z-Dog agree]
- Quaritch: Well whatever happened, if you're any clone of mine, you'll be looking for some payback. And Jake Sully would be at the top of that list. Remember kid, a marine can't be defeated. Oh, you can kill us but we'll just regroup in hell. Semper fi.
- [ends video log]
- Jake Sully: My family and I.. will move on tomorrow. Far away from here.
- Tonowari: Your son lies with our ancestors. You... are Metkayina now.
- [Shakes Jake's hand]
- Jake Sully: [voice-over] And there it was. We are sea people now. This is our home.
- Tonowari: Tsireya, you disappoint me daughter. And you, son of a great warrior who has been taught better.
- Dr. Garvin: I thought you were the intelligent species here, Scoresby
- Scoresby: Shut your cakehole, Garvin
- Scoresby: I'm over it. I've got quotas to meet.
- Quaritch: You want to hunt? Let's hunt?
- Scoresby: What? Here? Not here. There's too many villages.
- Dr. Garvin: No. No, no, no. Respectfully sir. You do not understand the kindred bonds between the Tulkun and the ocean Na'vi. It would be like murdering a member of their family.
- Scoresby: If we start hunting here, the hostiles will come after us.
- Quaritch: Exactly. One hostile in particular.
- Quaritch: [going over a 3-D map] The target is pretty much this whole island group.
- Scoresby: I've never been up there. You know those waters, Doc. What kind of indigenous we got?
- Dr. Garvin: Uh, Metkayina mostly. Some Ta'unui, maybe 50 villages.
- Quaritch: Uh, you are who?
- Dr. Garvin: Oh, I'm.. Ian Garvin, marine biologist.
- Quaritch: 50 villages, 100 villages, I don't care we'll search them all.
- Scoresby: I hunt Tulkun. That's what I'm rigged for. That's all my guys do. I've got quotas to meet.
- Quaritch: I'll be nice once, then I won't.
- Scoresby: Well if you can't get out of it, get into it.
- Jake Sully: What was the one thing I asked? The one thing?
- Lo'ak: Stay out of trouble.
- Jake Sully: Stay out of trouble. Right.
- Neteyam: It was my fault.
- Jake Sully: Yeah, I don't think so. You've gotta stop taking the heat for this knucklehead.
- Lo'ak: Look, Dad, Aonung was picking on Kiri. He called her a freak.
- Jake Sully: [his face visibly soften upon hearing this] Go apologize to Aonung.
- Lo'ak: What?
- Jake Sully: He is the chief's son. Do you understand? I don't care how you do it. Just go make peace. Just go.
- [Lo'ak walks off to make peace with Aonung, once he's out of earshot, Jake stops Neteyam to speak with him privately]
- Jake Sully: Hey, so what did the other guys look like?
- Neteyam: Worse.
- Jake Sully: That's good.
- Neteyam: A lot worse.
- Jake Sully: Get outta here.
- [Neteyam walks off and Jake sighs heavily]
- Jake Sully: This thing, this Quaritch, whatever he is, he can walk right in here, he can walk right under Eywa's nose.
- Neytiri: This is our family. This is our home
- Jake Sully: This isn't about our family, this is about our little ones.
- Neytiri: I cannot. You cannot ask this. I cannot leave my people. I will not.
- Jake Sully: He's hunting us. He's targeting our family.
- Neytiri: You cannot ask this. The children, everything they've ever known, the forest. This is our home!
- Jake Sully: He had our children. He had them under his knife.
- Neytiri: My father gave me this bow as he lay dying. He said "Protect the people" You are Toruk Makto.
- Jake Sully: This will protect the people. Quaritch has Spider and that kid knows everything. He knows our whole operation. He can lead them right in here. If the people harbor us, they will die. Do you understand? Look I've got nothing. I got no plan. But I can protect this family, that I can do. But I know one thing. Wherever we go, this family is our fortress.
- Jake Sully: What?
- Neytiri: Neteyam and Lo'ak try to live up to you. It is very hard on them.
- Jake Sully: I know.
- Neytiri: You are very hard on them.
- Jake Sully: I'm their father. That's my job.
- Neytiri: This is not a squad. It is a family.
- Jake Sully: [after a long pause, close to tears] I thought we lost him.
- Tonowari: [to his clan] Toruk Makto and his family will stay with us. Treat them as our brothers and sisters. They do not know the sea so they will be like babies taking their first breath. Teach them our ways so they do not suffer the shame of being useless,
- Jake Sully: [in their new hut house in the Metkayina village] Well, here we are. This place seems nice... right?
- [Neytiri looks around the room, sighs, and drop her bags abruptly to the floor]
- Jake Sully: Okay, Sully's fall in.
- Neteyam: [to Lo'ak] Remember? Family meeting.
- Jake Sully: Come on, take a knee let's go.
- Neytiri: Kiri.
- Kiri: What?
- Jake Sully: Okay. I need you kids on your best behavior. I mean it. Learn fast, pull your weight, don't cause trouble, got it?
- Lo'ak: Yes, sir.
- Tuk: [crying] I want to go home.
- Neytiri: Oh, Tuk...
- Jake Sully: Tuk, this is our home now. We're gonna get through this. We're gonna get through this if we have each other's backs, right?
- Neytiri: What does your father always say?
- Neteyam, Lo'ak: Sully's stick together.
- Jake Sully: That's right, Sully's stick together. Now this time with some feeling.
- Kiri, Tuk, Neteyam, Lo'ak: Sully's stick together.
- Jake Sully: Fall in! You're supposed to be spotters. You spot bogeys and you call them in. From a distance. Does any of this sound familiar?
- [to Lo'ak]
- Jake Sully: Get here! Jesus, I let you two geniuses fly a mission and you disobey direct orders. Kiri, can you go help your grandmother with the wounded, please?
- Kiri: My brother is wounded.
- Jake Sully: Tuk, go with her. Go!
- Neteyam: Sir, I--I take full responsibility.
- Jake Sully: Yeah you do, you're the older brother, you gotta act like it.
- Neytiri: MaJake, your son is actually bleeding.
- Neteyam: Mother, i-its fine, I...
- Jake Sully: Go and get patched up. Go on dismissed.
- [to Lo'ak]
- Jake Sully: you do understand that you almost got your brother killed
- Lo'ak: Yes sir.
- Jake Sully: You're grounded. No flying for a month. Now see to the Ikran. All of them.
- Lo'ak: Yes, sir.
- Jake Sully: And get that crap off your face.
- Neytiri: [in Na'vi language to their children] When I met your father... I tried to kill him.
- Jake Sully: [as he cuddles his head right next to her; also in Na'vi language] It was love at first sight.
- Tonowari: Hear my words boy. In the days of the first songs, Tulkun fought amongst themselves for territory and for revenge. But they came to believe that killing no matter how justifiable, only brings more killing. So killing was forbidden. This is the Tulkun Way. Payakan is a killer so he's outcast.