This was surprisingly well done. It had just the right amount of firmness in reality to work by itself. The knowledge of the source material was very well-versed and distributed throughout the story with entertaining, accurate depiction. It would have even better as a film to have included the well loved father of Greg. It was a nice touch adding the mother but, it would have created several hilarious scenes, if the father included. The Rodrick character was beautifully played out and had a literature accurate personality, actions, and appearances. I also must say, though some of the young actors did appear to be new to the screen, they gave such wonderfully played out performances. The animation was also very well done. It appeared to even have the potential to be included in big cinematic pictures. It really gives me hope for the newer acting generation.
Overall, the short film was created with much love and dedication that really shows in the work of art that they created. The amount of effort that was needed to create Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Freshmen Year was substantial, and the fact that these highschoolers pulled through and ended up creating a very entertaining film is astonishing. I hope that this short film can encourage other up-and-coming members of Hollywood to get themselves out there and achieve their goals.