10 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- Allegiance is an intermittently compelling but ultimately disappointing drama that loses track of its own point of view in favor of more generic storytelling.
- 60Screen DailyMark AdamsScreen DailyMark AdamsWriter/director Michael Connors creates a good sense of atmosphere and clearly knows his way around the military milieu, but never manages instill the film with a much-needed sense of dramatic tension despite a solid enough story structure.
- 40The New York TimesJeannette CatsoulisThe New York TimesJeannette CatsoulisThis well-acted debut feature from Michael Connors (a former Army captain) is too limited in ambition and scope to satisfy our expectations.
- 40Village VoiceVillage VoiceWithout its topical pretext and overzealous patriotism, Allegiance would be just another generic action film.
- 40The Hollywood ReporterFrank ScheckThe Hollywood ReporterFrank ScheckUnfortunately, Allegiance is less sure-footed in the filmmaking department, rendering its potentially suspenseful storyline stilted and uncompelling.
- 40VarietyRonnie ScheibVarietyRonnie ScheibThe picture's assorted characters, though credible, feel wearisomely one-dimensional, while the pumped-up action, unfolding in a single day, basically consists of an extended game of hide-and-seek.
- 40Austin ChronicleAustin ChronicleThe film boasts an insistent and unquestioning patriotism. What begins as a drama devolves by the halfway point into an overly long chase film, which only grows more and more boring.
- 38Slant MagazineSlant MagazineMichael Connors does a fine job of not passing judgment on his characters, yet his depiction of his main character's dilemma is about the only thing he handles correctly.
- 38New York PostFarran Smith NehmeNew York PostFarran Smith NehmeAllegiance works better as a way of reminding us who does the fighting in this age of outsourcing than it does as a human drama.
- 20Time OutDavid FearTime OutDavid FearWhat, exactly, is the payoff for suffering through such painfully bad filmmaking for 93 minutes? Forget about getting "A Few Good Men"–style military melodramatics; this movie quickly proves that even a few good performances, lines of dialogue or music cues are a pipe dream. Your loyalty will not be rewarded.