- Pastor: And though it is impossible not to feel distraught, even angry at this seemingly senseless loss, God has also given a healing gift to those of us who are believers: the knowledge that what others call death is not actually an ending but a new beginning. This young man, who we all loved so much, whom we will all miss so terribly... Chaz has begun the next stage in his amazing journey with a new life and a new flesh, more perfect than anything we can even imagine. Let us be inspired by the life of Chaz Young, to make our own lives a testament to Your glory. He was with us, we enjoyed his company, basked in his spirit, and now he's gone from us in the flesh, but his memory will remain with us forever. Let us all strive to live up to that memory, to live up to the gift which You have given us by letting us know this remarkable young man.
- Dr. King: My mother died and I can STILL hear her. "Ohh! You so smart! Why you don't become doctor? Oh, shrink not doctor. Shrink just somebody you pay so they pretend to like you. Yeah, you gonna be doctor, then marry doctor, then have baby someday gonna be doctor, or Mommy gonna die!"
- Randy: Dad, I need to tell you something. I'm gay.
- Ira Goldman: S'that it?
- Randy: Wait, you knew? Why didn't you tell me?
- Ira Goldman: What, I'm supposed to tell you that you're gay? I think YOU'RE supposed to tell me THAT.
- Randy: Well, you know, you could have've saved me so much agony.
- Ira Goldman: Agony?
- Randy: Discomfort.
- Ira Goldman: So, uh, what prompted this... "confession?"
- Randy: Nick saw pictures of me and Chaz taken in a photo booth.
- Ira Goldman: Nude?
- Randy: Dad!
- Randy: Doug's been nothing but nice to you. Since when are the rules in a stupid game more important than your friend's feelings. It's never just about the cards or the money. Tell me you get it.
- Oliver Young: For the love of... Why can't you just try to act normal? I am tired of you making me feel like you're a ticking time bomb! Try to act normal or else!
- [Nick returns home carrying a newly bought orange shirt, then scuttles off to his room]
- Oliver Young: He's spending too much time with Randy.
- Irene Young: Just stop it.
- Oliver Young: It's strange, don't you think?
- Irene Young: Did you see? He got orange. Can you get him to buy orange? I thought you wanted him to have friends.
- Oliver Young: I'm the one who's trying to help him FIND friends. At church, every week.