45 of 57 found this severe
A woman seduces a man. She opens her robe and is fully nude. Her breasts and buttock are shown. The man shoves her onto a table and proceeds to have sex with her.
A man has explicit sex with a teen girl in bed. The man genitals are slightly obscured by the girl's legs. The girl is fully naked. Her breasts and genitals are visible throughout.
A scene takes place in a brothel. Full nudity and graphic sex scenes. A woman having sex with a man. In another woman is performing oral sex on a man. Later same woman is shown as she presented to another man for sex, she has traces of semen on her lips. Her pimp wipes off the semen from her mouth before she begins to passionately kissing her client.
A man fondles a woman's breasts while on horseback, he then proceeds to fondle her genitals.
14 of 21 found this moderate
A group of people find an unmanned horse carrying the severed head of a man in a bag. The head is only slightly taken out, but a bit of blood is seen.
A man is knocked unconcious and the scene turns black after the hit.
A man threatens to skin a young girl and a moment later, to "shove a stick up [her] bunghole and fuck [her] bloody".
Other violence threats occur on multiple occasions.
13 of 18 found this severe
'Fuck' is said five times in a sexual meaning, 'cock' and 'piss' are used three times and two times respectively - both are also said in front of a young girl, 'shit' and 'damn' are uttered once, and scatological references such as 'arse' and 'bunghole' are used twice and once respectively. There is as well some pejorative name-calling, i.e. 'gutter rat', and strong sexual references, i.e. "tasting a woman's fishpie", "fall on someone", and "wrestling together".
17 of 19 found this mild
Two men are seen drinking wine and later, one asks the other if he is drunk.
12 of 19 found this mild
A man follows another man into the woods where he sees that man giving a newborn baby to a mythical creature and then walking away. The man watches in awe as the creature appears to eat the baby, but is quickly knocked unconcious by the man he intially followed.