53 of 62 found this severe
A man rips open the back of a teen girl's dress, leaving her partially naked from the waist up to humiliate her before she is beaten.
Two prostitutes are seen in a bedroom, one is completely naked. A young man instructs the women to touch each other, then asks one to spank the other, then forces one woman to beat the other violently with a scepter.
A pregnant woman disrobes and fully nude is shown. She sits down on the ground and opens her legs, she then gives birth.
31 of 34 found this severe
We see the remains of a huge battle with many corpses lying on the ground. There is a shot of a man with his intestines out, but it's very short and you might miss it. Also, a wounded soldier has his foot cut-off because he wouldn't survive any other way. This happens offscreen.
The same man has his soon-to-be wife humiliated in front of several other people because of her brother's crimes. She is whipped by another man who then tears her dress.
A young man has a woman heavily spanking another woman. At first, it is seemingly done for sexual purposes, but the man commands the woman to hit harder and harder, which she reluctantly does - at the beginning only with her hands, then with the belt of the man, and then with a steel pile (offscreen). The spanked woman is crying out in pain and we see a shot of her bruised buttocks.
Two men are heard being tortured - by having a bucket with a rat in it bound to their chest and then having the bucket set on fire so that the rat will eat itself through to the body -, this happens off-camera but we hear much screaming. Later, we see a different men sticking the severed head of one of the men on a skewer. This isn't very bloody or graphic, however.
A man vouches for a group of people through a blood oath and cuts his hand.
A man's decapitated head is hammered onto a wooden spike.
20 of 36 found this moderate
One use of c**t and f**k each. Some minor swearing and name-calling.
30 of 35 found this mild
A man drinks some wine and offers another man to drink wine with him, but he refuses.
18 of 36 found this moderate
A woman gives birth to an unhuman, black creature. She is screaming while a man stands beside her awestruck. The creature itself isn't especially frightening, but the scene is very unexpected and perplexing.