15 of 51 found this moderate
Two men kissing and touching each other on a bed, they are about to have sex but stop.
A woman unclips her dress and removes it, revealing her breasts. She begins to kiss her husband, and places her hands down his pants. It is clear she wants to have sex with him but he refuses.
A old man and a prostitute lie in bed. The woman is completely naked.
19 of 23 found this severe
There is a battle in which about a dozen man are seen being killed. One man is stabbed and shot at with a crossbow several times until he finally dies kneelingly. We see a bloody sword drawn out of his neck.
In the same battle, we see a young boy lying on the ground with an arrow in his leg. He asks a man to carry him and the man helps him up, only to stab him in the throat. The wound isn't really seen, but there is a lot of blood coming out of the boy's mouth.
There is a battle between two knights, in which one attempts to stab the other one, who is laying on the floor beaten, in the throat. After orders not to kill him, the knight desists from doing so.
An old man is threatened that he will have his penis cut off due to treason. However, he only has parts of his beard cut off and is then arrested and sent to the dungeons.
A young man is smacked in the face by his father brutally. He doesn't bleed, however.
13 of 18 found this moderate
"Fuck" is said once, "shit" is said twice, "piss" is said once, "damn" and "whore" are each said two times each, and "bitch" is said once. The word "bastard" is used four times as in 'bastard son' but with a prerogative connotation, and there's some other minor name-calling, i.e. "dwarf," "stoat," or "monster."
13 of 17 found this mild
A man pours wine in a cup and then drink some of it.
Two men are talking and drinking wine in a scene.
A man is seen drinking an unspecified hard liquor and offers a young girl to drink some of it, but she declines.
12 of 17 found this moderate
A young buy wakes up with a direwolf on his bed, staring at him. The boy is a bit shocked, but since it's his pet, he's only scared for a second.
The scene, in which a young boy gets killed in cold blood after asking for help is very emotionally intense and may easily upset some viewers. The battle at the end of the episode is relatively intense as well.