Game of Thrones (TV Series)
The Ghost of Harrenhal (2012)
Maisie Williams: Arya Stark
[Arya looks Tywin in the eyes]
Arya Stark : Anyone can be killed.
[Arya watches Gendry wielding a sword he has just forged]
Arya Stark : You should stand sideface.
Gendry : Huh? Sideface?
Arya Stark : Sideways.
Gendry : Why?
Arya Stark : Smaller target.
Gendry : [looks around] Am I fighting someone?
Arya Stark : You're practicing for a fight. You should practice right.
[Jaqen surprises Arya while she is fetching water for Tywin]
Jaqen H'ghar : A girl says nothing. A girl keeps her mouth closed. No one hears. And friends may talk in secret, yes?
Jaqen H'ghar : A boy becomes a girl.
Arya Stark : I was always a girl.
Jaqen H'ghar : And I was always aware. But a girl keeps secrets. It is not for a man to spoil them.
Arya Stark : You're one of them now. I should've let you burn.
Jaqen H'ghar : And you fetch water for one of them now. Why is this right for you and wrong for me?
Arya Stark : I didn't have a choice.
Jaqen H'ghar : You did. I did. And here we are. A man pays his debts. A man owes three.
Arya Stark : Three what?
Jaqen H'ghar : The Red God takes what is his, lovely girl. And only death may pay for life. You saved me and the two I was with. You stole three deaths from the Red God. We have to give them back. Speak three names, and a man will do the rest. Three lives I will give you. No more, no less. And we're done.
Arya Stark : I can name anyone... and you'll kill him?
Jaqen H'ghar : A man has said.
Arya Stark : The one who tortures everyone.
Jaqen H'ghar : A man needs a name.
Arya Stark : I-I don't know his name. They call him the Tickler.
Jaqen H'ghar : That is enough. Go now, girl. Your master's thirsty.