33 of 51 found this to have none
Vlad said Jonathan's hair looks like his grandma's boobies.
21 of 30 found this mild
Frankenstein is lit on fire, no gore.
Bela almost stabs Johnny to death with a sharp pece of wood.
Vlad says Dracula used to pee in his bed in his past to Johnny's parents.
A tennis ball hits Vlad's groin.
Mostly slapstick action, but it occurs near the end.
Dracula throws Dennis down the skyscraping building, nearly killing him. He saves his grandson at the last minute. The building gets destroyed as a result.
At least one kick to the groin.
24 of 29 found this to have none
2 uses of shut up.
25 of 30 found this to have none
Griffin drinks a glass of champagne.
21 of 29 found this mild
Vlad possesses a performer dressed like a Muppet-like creature, turning him into a more frightening version of the monster that shot cakes at people and threatened to eat them in an effort to frighten Dennis's fangs out.
the movie has a gothic element to it, but is overall lighthearted and comical.
There was a toy called "my first guillotine" given to denis at 1 this can be really painful irl luckily it was "baby proofed" or thrown away.
None/Moderate for neurodivergent viewers.
It is sang in a sing song voice, but there is a lullaby to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" that goes "Suffer, suffer, scream in pain. Blood is spewing from your brain." There are 2 more verses along the same lines.